Experimenting and experiencing ghosted physicalities, zombified madnesses and sense-ualities that you have become accustomed to neglect. A step inside of unsolvable mazes in which you feel lost. And how scary it is to feel lost.

But just as the snowflakes seem so vulnerable as they fall one by one from the air, and yet so strong when they all collide together in the ground, there are moments - and these are the ones that deserve most of your attention - when in that pathway you will encounter other lost bodies.

Bodies that are searching for different destinations, that are entangled in different perceptions, in different psychedelic trips. Bodies that join to agglutinate into abstracted organs and forms.

To create new codes, to overcode the coded.

Vulnerability becomes part of the fertile ground of the soil you are walking in. It is in those moments where it is time to run. To create greater pressures. Together. To become indestructible. Just like the tiny snowflakes do once the cold, the air and the force of earth's pull turns them into ice.

But be careful. Ice melts and slips easily;...take a risk, but also take care”